Your responsibility for church property

21 June 2018

Here we give a short explanation of the key issues you need to consider to help to protect your church buildings and their contents.

Church doorway with stone surround

What issues affect church property?

The top issues that can lead to damage at churches and advice on some of the things you can do to help protect your church are explained below.

What should I consider if we carry out contract works or repairs?

Where the PCC have agreed a contract making them responsible for insuring any loss or damage to the works or unfixed materials then we automatically include cover up to £150,000.

If any of the following apply please call us:

  • Works are for over £150,000
  • Church is closing during the works
  • Scaffolding will be needed
  • Hot works are involved e.g. welding

If you do need to call us make sure you have ready:

  • Date of the work
  • Cost estimate
  • Type of work
  • Details of any contract.

We may need to ask you to complete a Building Works Questionnaire.