Our approach to tax-efficient financial planning

People often pay more tax than they need to. We can help you to make the most of the available reliefs and allowances on savings, investments and pensions and help you manage the possibility of inheritance tax on your estate. Our advice will take into account your situation and will cover tax issues such as:
  • Tax relief on pension savings
  • Capital Gains tax on investments
  • Inheritance tax (IHT)
  • Tax efficient ways of saving such as Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)
  • Ways to minimise tax on pension withdrawals and on taking income from investments
Ecclesiastical’s Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) can recommend the most tax-efficient ways to plan your finances.
Please note that your tax treatment will depend on your individual circumstances. 
Rates of IHT and other tax reliefs and allowances are based on current tax legislation and could be subject to change in the future. 

Ecclesiastical Financial Advisory Services are not accountants and do not complete clergy tax returns. We can work jointly with your tax advisers and other professionals to ensure you have the right advice
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