Ecclesiastical claims contacts

Contacting our claims team is easy and our expert handlers are here to help you. 

Claim online

If you complete this online form to report a claim, this will be reviewed by our claims team on the next business day (Monday to Friday 8am-6pm).

Report a claim

Call the number below for our 24hr reporting service.

0345 603 8381

For outside UK

Enquiries regarding existing claims can be made between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)

+44 1452 533 528

Need assistance on your call?

If you are hearing or speech impaired, you can use Relay UK and a text relay operator will assist you. They will join the call and either type or speak exactly what is communicated.

Dial 18001

And then the number you would like to contact.

Learn more about Relay UK

Home emergency

Home emergency assistance is available on our Home Insurance and Art & Private Client policies.

Travel claims

For 24-hour emergency assistance and pre-travel advice:

We provide a 24-hour helpline via travel specialists CEGA. In a travel emergency please contact CEGA on:

+44 (0) 1452 872794

Email us

For Art & Private Client policies only call us for:

Personal liability, baggage and personal money claims on: +44 (0) 1452 528 533 (outside UK)

0345 603 8381 (UK only)

Email us

For all other travel claims please contact CEGA:

CEGA travel insurance specialists are available on: +44 (0) 1452 872 701 (outside UK)

0345 606 1018 (UK only)

Email us

Complaints & compliments

If you have any suggestions or feedback on our service we would be very happy to hear from you. 

If you do have a complaint:

  • We will investigate diligently and impartially within Ecclesiastical
  • Keep you informed of the progress of the investigation
  • And respond to you in writing to you as soon as possible.
We will aim to resolve your complaint within three business days. For more complex issues, we may need a little longer to investigate and we may ask you for further information to help us reach a decision.
If you are unhappy, please contact us as soon as possible on 0345 603 8381.
Alternatively, you can email us at: or write to us at:
The Claims Director
Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc
Benefact House
2000 Pioneer Avenue
Gloucester Business Park

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Useful links