Dissatisfied staff

05 December 2019

When allowing people into your home, you’re giving them access to much more of your life than you may realise.

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It’s important to make sure they don’t take advantage of that access.

People in your home

We usually know and trust the people that come into our homes but in some instances, people may have sinister motives. 

Keep an eye on domestic staff, construction workers and other people that visit your home who you may not know well enough to trust fully. If you find them to be disinterested in their work, there could be more to the situation. 

How to manage the risk

  • Watch out for domestic staff that keep strange hours or if they appear disinterested in their work.
  • If you are recruiting outside of an agency, always obtain references for new staff, but also call their previous employer.
  • Consider online searches to see if the prospective staff member shows up in any online stories or news articles.
Download the infographic to learn how people in your home can put you at risk and how to avoid this.  
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