Home insurance customers - Temporary accommodation for refugee guests

20 April 2022

Temporary accommodation for refugee guests extending to all refugees - April 2022

Ecclesiastical Insurance supports homeowners providing assistance to those displaced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, including under the Government's Homes for Ukraine scheme, as well as refugees displaced by any other conflict in the world. The following position applies regardless of where the conflict has taken place.

  • Within the policy wording you will find the cover, terms and conditions that apply to non-paying guests. If you wish to discuss this cover or other changes in circumstances please contact us.
  • If you are a homeowner in the UK and want to temporarily house refugees who have been displaced by conflict as non-paying guests in your home, you do not need to tell us and your cover will remain the same.
  • If your policy is due for renewal within the first 12 months of the refugee(s) living with you in your home, you will not need to tell us. If, after 12 months, any individuals or family are still living with you, then you will need to inform us when your policy is next due for renewal.
  • To support this scheme we have also amended your policy to remove the policy restriction of any damage/ loss by theft, attempted theft, or malicious damage or vandalism by a guest during this period. This restriction now only applies to paying guests.
  • If homeowners wish to house refugees displaced from any conflict in their second homes, guest homes, or rental properties please contact us.

Keeping everyone safe in your home

If you are considering temporarily accommodating refugee guests in your home you should review safety and security arrangements to help ensure you provide a safe and secure environment for them. If guests are bringing personal contents into your home consider how these will be stored and used, including any portable electrical equipment.

Guests will need to safely enter and exit the property so you should review security arrangements accordingly to ensure their safety and privacy.

Further information specific to refugees displaced by the conflict in Ukraine has been prepared by the Government Homes for Ukraine scheme and can be accessed here - Homes for Ukraine scheme: frequently asked questions - GOV.UK

For more information

If you are unsure about or have any questions regarding your policy cover, please contact us.

Contact us

For more information please contact us on:

0345 777 3322

Lines are open 8am - 6pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).

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