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0345 777 3322
Temporary accommodation for refugee guests extending to all refugees - April 2022
Ecclesiastical Insurance supports homeowners providing assistance to those displaced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, including under the Government's Homes for Ukraine scheme, as well as refugees displaced by any other conflict in the world. The following position applies regardless of where the conflict has taken place.
If you are considering temporarily accommodating refugee guests in your home you should review safety and security arrangements to help ensure you provide a safe and secure environment for them. If guests are bringing personal contents into your home consider how these will be stored and used, including any portable electrical equipment.
Guests will need to safely enter and exit the property so you should review security arrangements accordingly to ensure their safety and privacy.
Further information specific to refugees displaced by the conflict in Ukraine has been prepared by the Government Homes for Ukraine scheme and can be accessed here - Homes for Ukraine scheme: frequently asked questions - GOV.UK
If you are unsure about or have any questions regarding your policy cover, please contact us.
For more information please contact us on:
0345 777 3322