Charity cyber attack
Cyber attacks are a common risk and any organisation, regardless of size or complexity, could be a target.
Our dedicated team is ready to support your client if the worst should happen.
When your clients need to make a claim, we’ll look at the policy cover to see how we can best help. We will give you and your client:
In 2025, we’ve been awarded ‘Claims Service Quality Marque’ for the fourth year in a row. This is awarded to claims teams that are rated as having consistently outstanding service quality, and named as market-leading insurer amongst brokers for Speed, Commerciality, Expertise, Relationships, and Communication*.
This independent research conducted by Gracechurch highlights the standard that you and your clients can expect from us if the worst should ever happen.
* The Gracechurch UK Claims Monitor 2025
Occasionally, client situations may require specialist support, whether this is investigating the cause of a leak, the physical restoration of a cherished family heirloom or taking a proactive approach to protecting their interests against a third party legal liability claim.
We demand and receive the very highest level of service and expertise from our partners. We have developed an extensive panel of specialist suppliers who undergo rigorous due diligence and ongoing monitoring to ensure they consistently deliver to client expectations.
Where a claim requires a loss adjuster to be involved to support your client, they can rest assured that each adjuster has been hand-selected and approved before being included on our panel.
Restoring a heritage property after a loss can present some unique challenges, all in a day’s work for our experienced and award-winning claims team. Hear from one of our customers about their personal story.