A Charity sector view from a CEO’s perspective with Mick Clarke from The Passage

Summary: In one of our previous episodes, we've discussed the support and fundraising resources available for charities from the Benefact Group during the cost-of-living crisis. In this episode, we’re speaking with Mick Clarke, CEO of The Passage, about the structural changes needed to facilitate the charity’s vision of eliminating street homelessness. Mick explains how charities have been substantially affected by the cost-of-living crisis, with donations decreasing, bills increasing, and resources being stretched thinner than ever, as people become increasingly at risk of becoming homeless.

Quote: “For me it's all about sustainable, lasting outcomes. That's the business that we're in. It's very easy just to feed people on the streets, but for us it's about helping people end their homelessness. We never end someone's homelessness; we just give them the tools to do it themselves.”

The Passage is a charity providing support and services to those enduring street homelessness, envisioning a society in which everybody has a place called home. The charity also highlights the links between modern slavery and homelessness, with those sleeping on the streets at a significantly heightened risk of being exploited into doing illegitimate unpaid work. Learn more about The Passage

Benefact Group fundraising resources

How are charities being impacted by the cost-of-living crisis? - podcast

Mick Clarke LinkedIn profile

Adrian Saunders LinkedIn profile

Run time: 14.59

Listen to Covered in 15

About the guest:

Mick Clarke, CEO of The Passage, a charity focused on ending street homelessness by providing preventative services, along with support for those already living on the streets.

About the host:

Adrian Saunders, Commercial Director at Ecclesiastical is responsible for delivering Ecclesiastical’s UK intermediated business. Before joining Ecclesiastical, Adrian held senior roles at Marsh, Zurich and Hiscox. Away from insurance, Adrian is a self-confessed cycling addict. Combining his passions for charity giving and cycling, he previously raised funds for charity by completing London Ride100 three times and cycling across Vietnam and Cambodia.


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