New Year, New Ideas
As one year ends and another begins, churches and their communities will be reflecting on the highs and lows. Current economic challenges impact people’s ability to give, as well as pushing up overheads for churches.
Digital fundraising opens up opportunities to grow your church’s giving, by making it easier for both the congregation and wider community to support your church.
You do not need to be a computer expert to be able to fundraise digitally, but like all types of fundraising, you need to be able to commit time.
Here are some ideas to encourage online giving:
Direct Debit
Direct Debit is a simple way your congregation can continue to give to your church, even if buildings are closed or the church isn’t running as usual. This automatic payment method means payments are protected, and administration requirements are low. Anglican churches also benefit from the Parish Giving Scheme, which helps with the administration and Gift Aid.
Online giving platforms
As well as encouraging Direct Debits, your church can set up an online giving platform that allows you to collect donations.
There are many online giving platforms available with different approaches on offer. A comprehensive guide to encouraging online giving has been produced on the Church of England’s Parish Resources website.
For Anglican churches without a strong online presence, a good starting point is A Church Near You. This website offers the option of adding a donate button to your church’s website, as well as a customisable video that promotes online giving to your website visitors.
A small list of online giving platforms is shown below. This list is not exhaustive, so please do your research to find the right platform for your church and its needs. Note that some platforms charge monthly fees, while others charge transaction fees for each donation. These platforms include:
Once your church has set up an online giving platform, you will need to promote it! Encourage your congregation and community to use it to give to your church online:
Rather than having one major investor, charitable projects use crowdfunding to harness the power of the crowd to get lots of small gifts, usually via the internet. An individual project or appeal is known as a crowdfunder. It differs from regular congregational online giving, as it is usually targeted at a wider group of people from outside your church and is used to raise funds for a specific project. Many of the platforms you can use are the same as those you might use for congregational giving.
To crowdfund successfully and engage people outside your usual congregation, ensure that you are:
Once you have identified the project you want to crowdfund and set up your platform for donations, you will need to promote it. Crowdfunding is about spreading the word as widely and quickly as possible, instead of drip-feeding over longer periods of time. To get the message out fast and wide, work hard to promote the crowdfunder for a short period of time (i.e. two weeks). Use all routes possible to publish your crowdfunder such as parish newsletters, local press, Facebook, email and encouraging your church network to share the details.
Social media can be utilised in several ways for your fundraising. You can either raise money directly on social media or use it to spread the message about your other fundraising. You may remember that in Engaging with your wider community, social media was highlighted as a powerful tool for fundraising engagement.
To make sure you are getting the most out of social media fundraising, consider the following:
For more information, download our useful guide - Digital fundraising and crowdfunding