How can you help your heritage clients to streamline their emergency plans? with Emma Dadson from Harwell Restoration

Summary: In heritage businesses, if objects are subject to water, fire, or other forms of damage, a quick response is essential. Yet, some heritage organisations’ emergency plans are stifled by a slow decision-making process, lacking comms policy, or insufficient clarity regarding the delegation of authority in critical scenarios.

In this episode, Emma Dadson from Harwell Restoration talks about the impact that a well-devised emergency plan can have for heritage businesses. She highlights several resources available to help businesses create or further develop their emergency plans.

Quote: "One thing I would really urge is that it's very easy to download a template plan, fill in the blanks, print it and say that's the job done. It’s really important to make sure that anything like that is really fine-tuned and made bespoke to [one’s] particular setup. So, make sure that you create a plan, but then you actually walk through it, practice it and then refine it from that point forward."

Ecclesiastical – Risk Management

Ecclesiastical – Preparing your disaster recovery plan

Ecclesiastical – A guide to disaster recovery

Ecclesiastical – Planning for recovery post disaster

Harwell Restoration

Emma Dadson’s LinkedIn Profile

Adrian Saunders' LinkedIn profile

Run time: 14.58

Listen to Covered in 15

About the guest:

Emma Dadson, Key Account Director at Harwell Restoration, one of Ecclesiastical’s trusted partners, which offers advice and bespoke post-incident solutions to heritage businesses.

About the host:

Adrian Saunders, Commercial Director at Ecclesiastical is responsible for delivering Ecclesiastical’s UK intermediated business. Before joining Ecclesiastical, Adrian held senior roles at Marsh, Zurich and Hiscox. Away from insurance, Adrian is a self-confessed cycling addict. Combining his passions for charity giving and cycling, he previously raised funds for charity by completing London Ride100 three times and cycling across Vietnam and Cambodia.


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