Civil Unrest – protecting your organisation
The UK has recently witnessed widespread civil unrest, with mass gatherings of protestors, that has in some instances resulted in criminal damage and business disruption.
Whilst working from home has been the norm for some, in recent years it has become commonplace for many.
Some staff may work at home permanently, having employment contracts that reflect this. Others may be allowed to adopt a hybrid approach, routinely spending some time in the office with the rest at home.
In many cases, this work is limited to general ‘office-type’ activity involving the use of desktop computers or laptops (sometimes referred to as display screen equipment). Here, the risks are usually low and any precautions necessary should reflect this. The information in this note deals with this scenario.
Some homeworkers may need to use machinery or hazardous substances to complete their work. In these situations, additional precautions may be required to make sure they remain safe.
Any action you take needs to be proportionate depending on your own circumstances. This will reflect the size of your organisation; the numbers of staff you have; and the nature of the work completed at home. Involving staff, through any consultation channels you have established, will also help you identify any precautions you might need to consider.
If someone is injured you may need to show that you have met your duty of care.
In addition to this, if you are an employer you must comply with more specific health and safety law. Essentially, you have the same responsibilities for staff working at home as for those in the office. General duties are set out in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.
More specific health and safety regulations may also be relevant depending upon the nature of the work being completed. A specific example would be the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations. These apply where staff regularly use computers, laptops (and other similar equipment) as a significant part of their normal work – i.e. daily, generally for continuous periods of an hour or more.
Other examples include the Electricity at Work Regulations, the Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations, the Manual Handling Operations Regulations and the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations.
Typical hazards include those associated with:
*Note: this list is not exhaustive
Typical precautions include:
*Note: this list is not exhaustive