How can brokers and insurers differentiate themselves in a highly crowded marketplace? With Alan Thompson from MAP Training
Summary: The insurance market is becoming increasingly crowded. Given that many customers don’t understand the specifics of the industry, and often don’t have the time to conduct any research, how can you ensure that your business differentiates itself from competitors?
In this episode, MAP Training Director Alan Thompson highlights the importance of identifying the emotional and practical needs of your customers. Having done so, you can emphasise the particular aspects of your proposition that align with those needs during the subsequent sales process.
Quote: "The key is not to assume that we know what the customer needs are, and what's important to them. Because different customers will value different things. So, we've got to be prepared to find this out so that we can then match the appropriate parts of our proposition that enables us to address that need of the customer."
Alan Thompson’s LinkedIn Profile
Chris Withers LinkedIn Profile
Run time: 14.45
About the guest:
Alan Thompson, one of two founding Directors of MAP Training Ltd, a specialist training company. He has worked in the insurance industry for 35 years, beginning his career in marketing, strategy, and customer management roles, before transitioning into the design and delivery of training programs for insurance staff.
About the host:
Chris Withers, Broker Distribution Director at Ecclesiastical, is responsible for developing Ecclesiastical’s proposition for its broker partners, leading the sales team and for building even stronger relationships with brokers. Chris has over 25 years’ of wide-ranging insurance industry experience, having previously worked at Covea and RSA.
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