Top tips for diversifying your income
10 October 2023
To successfully fundraise for your church, it’s important to look at different approaches to income generation beyond the collection plate.
In this webinar, you’ll learn:
- How partnering with other churches, charities, community groups can boost supporter audiences, economise on resource and amplify impact.
- Get creative examples of how to use church assets more commercially through event/space hire, food and beverage etc – and what churches need to consider before embarking on commercial projects.
- How to think bigger than congregational collections etc – so actually building major gifts strategies around specific campaigns and ongoing revenue needs, and what the ingredients for this look like.
Useful links
Webinar speaker
Philanthropy Company is a fundraising and philanthropy consultancy with over 18 years’ experience working with a range of churches, charities, organisations and non-profits.
Nick Moore, Consultant - Philanthropy Company
Nick helps charities, social enterprises and housing associations to grow and maximise impact through developing effective strategic plans. He has a real interest in diversification of income, particularly the use of enterprise to produce social benefits, and on helping charities ensure governance and ethical issues are not a barrier to fundraising. He encourages continual improvement development within the sector through regular articles in Charity Finance magazine and spoke on the subject of charity reserves at the 2019 Charity Finance Summit. Nick has undertaken work funded by and to obtain funding from The National Lottery Community Fund and featuring local authority and Sport England funding.
Nick held the post of Head of Support Services within The Methodist Church in Britain for 10 years, leading a team of 70 responsible for financial management, pensions, HR, property, procurement and IT; also overseeing a grant-making process distributing up to £10m pa worldwide.